Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Double Double

Witches and Goblins from last Halloween
Awaken the dark and forever be seen
Come forth out of shadow come forth out of night
Come forth and aid us in our perilous plight
Those who fear the haunt and fear the fear
Shall be grabbed, and captured, and disappear
For this night is a night not for the faint hearted
As we're drawn ever near by the dearly departed


While the hinges creak and the candles flicker
The air around us slowly gets thicker
Then a voice calls forth from the unknown
From a ghostly library full of old tomes
And the cobwebs they breathe
With the ghosts that they sheathe
And the room gets smaller
As the pictures get taller
It's the night of all nights
It's the night of all frights
And the wolves won't cease to howl with delight
On this night of Halloween

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Even when you leave
Your lips, they linger on mine
I feel your skin against mine
your hand imprinted on my shoulder
your perfume hangs in the air
Then the sun sets
The taste of your lips turns sour
the warmth is gone
instead of comfort, my stomach knots
i cannot find you
A boulder has dropped between us
and no shoving will move it
I call your name, but you can't hear
My body shivers, I feel fear
Words may move this obstruction
but you cannot talk to a rock
So I am left pounding the ground
and wondering what might have been.

Sunday, August 31, 2008


I sit alone in the darkness, silence surrounds me. I wait for something, but don't know what. The peace closes in, I cannot breathe. I begin to drown, then she saves me.
Fate pulls me into her warm embrace. Security and prosperity. She shows me the road, and bids me to follow it. As I begin to walk, she walks with me. The stars ignite to light our way. I see in the distance, shining in the moonlight, three pedestals of purest marble . We reach them and she bid me to choose. "I cannot," I say, but she smiles and says, "It is your decision to make." On one stands a chest of never-ending treasure, on the second stands a king's staff, and on the last stands the book of wisdom. My mind is in a frenzy as I try to decide. I turn around, but fate is no longer there. Instead stand the wyrd sisters who stare at me. "Power," says one, "Riches," says another, and the third whispers, "Wisdom." Their words repeated and echoed through my mind as I stand rooted to the spot. One or the other or the third? And I remain standing at those marble pedestals in the moonlight.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Shall Be Lifted - Nevermore

"Because I could not stop for Death, he kindly stopped for me;
the carriage held but just ourselves, and Immortality." - Emily Dickinson (1830–86)

Death holds true for us all. It is the debt that all men pay. It is the second most fear in our United States. The average US citizen know nothing of Death. Death comes as swiftly as a car, a bullet, a falling tree. Death whispers in our ears as we lie in darkness. In Vietnam, Death waited around every tree. Now it waits in every war torn village. Sometimes we know Death is coming and we fear it more. Sometimes Death takes us quickly, leaving others to mourn our passage.

Don't fear Death. He is not a worker of the Devil. Fear the Lord our God for he has earned our fear and admiration. Do not fear the dead, fear the living for they can make you hurt. Do not mourn the dead with the Lord, mourn those who could not find their way before they passed. Do not curse those who couldn't find their way, curse those that didn't help them see.

For Death comes in a chariot to carry us to heaven. "For Death came knocking on the sinners door but he was not ready; he came knocking on the liars door and he was not ready; and he came knocking on the Christian's door, and he was the only one who was ready." Death is the only thing we can be sure of in this life. We must be ready for him.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

When the Twilight Comes

Silence. The wind sweeps over my face as I ponder choices. Many choices, each whirling in a galaxy of their own consequences. If I choose to pluck one from the sky it may lead to enlightenment, or to destruction. As I float in this void, the choices whirl past my face. Some are moving too fast and I miss them. I silently curse myself when I miss these opportunities. Suddenly, through the inky darkness of this space, a light shines. It forms into an ever moving mass that hurls through my chest. I breathe in the sweet smell of this light and I ponder my position. I have power that I didn't have before, respect no one had thrown my way until now. In my family of friends I am looked up to. I am brother to some and big brother to others. As the power shifts and I move up, I cannot be looked down upon. I am in a position of influence. The choices stand thus, what do I do with my power?

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Why Am I?

I replace my letterz
that iz the clue
my actual name
iz not what I uze
I have many namez
I have a lot of pride
a name I am proud of
I can no longer hide
Is one of a barber
I'm Zweeney inzide.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Who Am I?

Ifadmt wfhsaetay goh uaree afdugs hey tjobb ceeltis vaef
Wahdaf ttyh ofus wuarn tttuoy bgvux essgsj
Ioleiq kgeam hafkeit nrgh pjufztz ulkegsf
afnj dkhgahvy iknkgly jooup fridgtud rtey tuht ejm fohustj
itfsy roaue wraan wtrtaohk dngoh wadeet aqrtloyp
Id'tly lugiijv hemy fogub vah ycrldufeg
Ighfag vdesm fagneyy nuae maedsg
Obncex osfntjhteem widsg Eydhw dasredt

Friday, July 25, 2008

Werefore Art Thou Romeo?

Love. We all crave it, want it, need it. God made us with love. So why is love so hard for us to find. And when we find it, why can't we hold on to it? Love is the ocean, always rising, dropping. ever elusive. We use things to replace love but love is always at the center of our lives. Romeo was a fool. An ignorant child who squandered his foolhardy love on ignorant women. He was no better than Tom Sawyer, who upon sight of Becky Thatcher immediately forgot his devotions to Amy Lawrence; Link Larken sung about love, but he never really knew what it meant until he met Tracy Turnblad; And Jay Gatsby sought after a love that was never returned, and it destroyed him. Love is as fleeting and violent as a viper, but feels as good as a warm fire on a cold night. In our youth we pretend to know love but she is an old story that we have long since lost the meaning of. Twenty years ago you would have dated someone at least four times before asking them to be your girlfriend/boyfriend. Now our form of dating is becoming someones boyfriend/girlfriend, and enjoying the quick thrills before you break up two weeks later. The greatest men in the world have searched for it, and yet the poorest can find it. We will simply have to keep looking. For love is El Dorado, the Holy Grail, The Ark of the Covenant, and Atlantis; And yet its something you can find around the corner too. You just have to keep your eyes open.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

All The World's A Stage

"All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts."

We stand sturdy in the vastness of our own world and the heavenly audience that watches intently. We're tossed and turned in the commotion and turmoil of the world, and if somebody wrote down our lives exactly, it would be the next sitcom. We stand sturdy hoping that we don't get swept away, and when we survive the tide we celebrate for a few hours before the tide comes back in. There are those of us who live from the high tide to the low tide. Some of us haven't yet truly experienced it, though we complain and whine about the indignity of the small waves that push us down on the beach. We all stand on the beach of the universe ready to go in, but not quite sure if we want to. Some are foolish, and blunder into the waves and get pulled into the undertow. Yet some just set their towel on the beach and watch as everyone else goes in. We all stand on the beach. Are you going in the water?