Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Why Am I?

I replace my letterz
that iz the clue
my actual name
iz not what I uze
I have many namez
I have a lot of pride
a name I am proud of
I can no longer hide
Is one of a barber
I'm Zweeney inzide.


RachAEL said...

I KNEW IT! it WAS the "z" thing! hmm ok wat about "zweeney" as in sweeney todd?? maybe? hmm so is ur name johnny depp? haha jk or benjamin? I KNEW IT! ITS BEN10, (ben costanzo-rachel's brothr) HAHA jk

and well no duh, ur real name isnt saul, we dont kno any sauls anyway.

u said "is one of a barber" so ur name is a barber? so ur name IS johnny??? or sweeney? lol

in the last part, ru saying ur a murderous person who kills wealthy customers w/ his razor? O_o im scared. haha

but wat do the "z"'s stand for? hmmmmm

and ur middle name is edward? hmm johnney edward ___, benjamin edward ____, sweeney edward___. hmm wat IS ur last name? hmmm or maybe edward is ur FIRST NAME!! o greeeaaat. well ill write the combinations on a paper rather then on this comment. :DDD

so either ur another benjamin, sweeney, or even johnny or im way off...hmm this is getin good agian lol :DDD

B.J. said...

I'm totaly confused about this post i'll have to talk it over with rachael tomorrow

RachAEL said...

psh chya, cuz poor wittle young buffalo needs my help. awww! poor young buffalo! dont worry! *hugs* lol as he runs off crying...haha inj--ill hafta make a post of that it was funny! (my dream) lol ill probably put the email up there haha :DDD

RachAEL said...

whoa! and i jus saw that u added a little description thingy under ur name saul. wow cool! like everything u write is amazing! lol no wonder heathers ur #1 fan! haha

B.J. said...

Well i still don't under stand this

Saul said...

Keep the names
for in time
they'll be the clue
to slove the ryme

Saul said...

And I'm glad that you know something about Mr. T
For he is not unlike me

I do not murder
but I have been wronged
I don't hold grudges
i just want to belong

i have loved and lost
and had love stolen from me
soon you will figure my names three

RachAEL said...

lol ok. well first of all, ur typing too fats, i mean fast lol bc u spelled "solve" and "rhymes"
wrong! lol unless u meant to do that! *gasp* LOL

mr t? hmmm nate? nate turnes? hmm

and when u said that-do u mean u ARE like nate, or ARENT like him? hmmm

thats good u dont murder LOL an jus for the record, i didnt rele think so ;)

aww! love stolen from u? that sounds so dramatic! u poor thing! lol ....waaaiiitt! i see wat ur doing! ur trying to get our sympathy!! well...its working! LOL

and since bj was a flake, a frosted flake to be exact LOL, we didnt get to discuss things over today (thursday) *taps foot* lol and im working in the kids area so i wont be in the jr high group :( but ill cya guys during clean up :DDD

B.J. said...

Hmm ok i'll not type so fast now

Saul said...

Mr todd maam

B.J. said...

Umm ok.....

Rachel Blank said...

awww....rachael your ALWAYS in the nursery!!! waaaaaaaaaa

and saul whats that last comments of yours supposed to mean???

RachAEL said...

sorry guys i was busy w/ party preperations on friday then my actual party on saturday, and well todays sunday sooo..ya

and I KNOW! IM ALLLWWAYS IN THE KINDERGARDEN/PRESCHOOL THINGY!! AHH!! lol well its fun, but i miss u guys!!!

and sauls last comment was answering my question as to whos mr t. and he said todd....which i still dont kno who that is...o i guess sweeney todd, ok then. and ya..heh heh i havnt seen the movie...uhh i looked it up on wikipedia LOL my friend said it wasnt that good-but to only see it bc of the music and singing (and johnny depp lol) and i jus havnt gotten around to seeing it yet..haha

"not unlike?" is that a double negative? so hes like u? hmmm

lol he called me maam :DDD

Saul said...

Hhuuhhh. You said "not unlike, yes I ment Sweeney Todd, and even though that movie didn't have the greatest Sweeney Todd song in it it was still great.

RachAEL said...

oook. so u ARE a murderous barber?

Lady Mew said...

You guys quack me up! 5QUACK to be exact! I haven't seen that movie either.
You Saul, just keep getting more and more mysterious. I'm starting to think I know exactly who you are or are not, but I'm not sure. I don't think you're a murderous barber, though.

That's so sad that you've loved and lost. Don't worry Saul, I'll always love you! "^_-"

SAUL!!!!!!! "^.^"

RachAEL said...

lol i kno i was joking

and heather thats sweet! aww! its like a blind date...kinda O_o well cept this is the computer... and...well u get the idea. u guys dont know wat each look like =P

and lol 5QUACK! but u said that came from spelling out cards..well 5 is a card, so is Q, A, and K, but not U or C... lol

B.J. said...

But Rachael we DON"T know who Saul is so he might know what she looks like..... right ????

RachAEL said...

well....uhh...well idk. i kno its annoying how we keep getting suspects and loosing them, but for a while we thought it was brady, but he might not be...or he still might be....arg! idk! he acts like he doesnt kno wat heather looks like, but then again....

good point,young buffalo, thx. u deserve the Flyleaf CD on sunday :DDD LOL

Lady Mew said...

AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you really think it's like a blind date for me and Saul Rachael? Oh, yay! @8D I have to say I'd LOVE to date you SAUL! Only if you want to, of course. "6.6"

By the way, I do realize that C and U aren't cards, but I tried to spell it correctly. Lol Rachael! @8P

SAUL!!!!!!! "^.^"

RachAEL said...

lol dont get too excited we still "dont kno who it is" yet

and lol ok i was gonna say...what kind of world do we live in when C and U are cards? lol

Saul said...

I'm assuming she looks like her picture.

That makes Rachael a cat.

Kayzar said...

How could i not know what Heather looks like? I saw her on Sunday!

Anonymous said...

I know who you are!!!

Anonymous said...

I know who you are!!!

RachAEL said...


B.J. said...

patthecat and lucy are both Bailey!!

RachAEL said...

LOl wow

bj, thats mean-she didnt have time for us to try to guess who she was! *slaps bjs arm* u could at least email all of us and we could pretend like we dont kno! geez!!

Black Raspberry said...

Why do I feel like Saul and Heather are secretly dating? Who is Bailey?

Kobay said...

mr. phreak and crazy girl?? wat a perfect match....................................

RachAEL said...

wow ur nice kobey ...

ur jk rite?? LOL?

and no, lol they're not rele dating secretly (heather wishes)

well ok, they kinda are...well idk

and bailey is bjs sister =P

Black Raspberry said...

Kobay, our friends are not freaky or crazy. Are they dating?

Kayzar said...

I'm Dating!

B.J. said...

Umm yea Bailey is my sis. And I'm not dating yet......But Heather and saul might I told you what I think in a comment on one of your post's BR.

And FYI Brady every one knows you are dating well at least all of the guyz at BS ( Bible Study ) know that you are.

Black Raspberry said...

Good for you, Kayzar.

RachAEL said...

oh thats cool brady! who is it?

and bj, u might wanna refer to Bible study as something else bc BS stand for bull s*** LOL and i hope u werent implying anything...the guys bbl stdy isnt that it?? lol kjkjkjkjk

B.J. said...

I know what "BS" stands for the only other thing I could say would be " GBS " but then that might sound like I'm talking about GBHS.

Black Raspberry said...

Oh my word. No one curses at your Bible study, do they?

Saul said...

I wouldn't imagine that this group does.

Black Raspberry said...

That is too bad. I have been to a Bible study where there was too much cursing going on. I have never gone back.

B.J. said...

No 1 cusses at bible study BR

RachAEL said...

no of course not

Black Raspberry said...

What a relief. It is so disrespectful to curse right in front of God or anytime at all. I am glad to know your Bible study group has class.