Monday, August 11, 2008

Shall Be Lifted - Nevermore

"Because I could not stop for Death, he kindly stopped for me;
the carriage held but just ourselves, and Immortality." - Emily Dickinson (1830–86)

Death holds true for us all. It is the debt that all men pay. It is the second most fear in our United States. The average US citizen know nothing of Death. Death comes as swiftly as a car, a bullet, a falling tree. Death whispers in our ears as we lie in darkness. In Vietnam, Death waited around every tree. Now it waits in every war torn village. Sometimes we know Death is coming and we fear it more. Sometimes Death takes us quickly, leaving others to mourn our passage.

Don't fear Death. He is not a worker of the Devil. Fear the Lord our God for he has earned our fear and admiration. Do not fear the dead, fear the living for they can make you hurt. Do not mourn the dead with the Lord, mourn those who could not find their way before they passed. Do not curse those who couldn't find their way, curse those that didn't help them see.

For Death comes in a chariot to carry us to heaven. "For Death came knocking on the sinners door but he was not ready; he came knocking on the liars door and he was not ready; and he came knocking on the Christian's door, and he was the only one who was ready." Death is the only thing we can be sure of in this life. We must be ready for him.


B.J. said...

Very very true Saul

RachAEL said...

thats crazy! that was good! and bj, ur gonna be killed by heather bc shes supposed to be the first to commetn LOL

RachAEL said...

and yet, another work of art for heather to analyze :DDD

RachAEL said...

i SAID, 'and yet,another work of art for heather to analyze'... (thats where u come in heather...and analyze wat saul wrote... *hint hint*)

and saul-u win! i give up guessing who u are! whens the "show" or "play" over?

Black Raspberry said...

Yet another beautiful piece by Saul. Anyone would consider themselves lucky to be able to move so many people through a few words. You have that talent. I too, await when Heather will analyze your artistic words.

Kobay said...

another beautiful piece huh?? teh writing or teh author KV????????? WICH ONE!!!!!!!!

................well..............IT WASN'T THAT GREAT!!!!!!!!!! NOTHIN WORTH MENTIONING.............wateva...................he don't have talent KV! DIS FOO IS GETTIN ON MEH NERVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DX

B.J. said...

Wow kobey ur not very nice to ppl

Kobay said...

I AM NOT NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no i'm jus kiddin..................

u would b mad to if someone u didn't kno was hittin on ur BBF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DX IT'S A PROTECTIVE THING! I WANT TA KNO Y THEY R DIGGIN ON EACH OTHER............................but KV won't answer teh phone!...................DX

so stay out of dis foo! HA! i'm kiddin uhgin!...........

Saul said...

Yo Kobay your absolutely right to protect BR, but no harm will come from me, you have my word.

I'd tell you who I was but that would ruin the whole thing.

Huhhhhh, performing to another tough crowd.

Kobay said...

alright........................................KV toldmeh ta calm i'll stop raggin on ya i guess.......................................................


RachAEL said...

preforming.....brady.....*cough cough* excuse me! sorry *drinks water* ok im good....

and bj,,,ur not so nice u shouldnt be talkin mister! haha

B.J. said...

Ok I understand what you mean now Kobey. And Rachael I have been trying really hard not to be mean so next time I see you lets just be nice I bet we'd have alot more fun that way.

Katie said...


Katie said...

jk on the laughing.. not the sorry.. i believe you could be nice to each other if you really tried.

Kayzar said...

Hey Saul, stop framing me!

If you're really a theater person comment on my Theater blog.

Black Raspberry said...

I am glad everyone is getting along. Kindness, happiness, and love are contagious.

B.J. said...

Yea I know we are going to try to be nice cool huh??? But really if we were nice we would have more fun!!!

BR did you say that sarcastically ???? Because I think you did.

Saul said...

Who doesn't love sarcasm?

Black Raspberry said...

I was being sarcastic, but kindness, happiness, and love truly are contagious.

B.J. said...

My mom doesn't love sarcasm but I do!!!!

Saul said...

Ok B.J. I'm glad we all know what your mom doesn't like.


RachAEL said...

LOL WAS THAT SARCASM BR?? HAHA u say that right after bradys all "STOP FRAMING ME SAUL" hahahahahhahahahaha good one

and i kno katie, it would be the end of the world if bj was nice to me.... hah

oic, it WAS sarcasm haha ok.

Kayzar said...

It's the end of the world as we know it...
And I feel fine...

B.J. said...
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B.J. said...

hey Rachael I was nice to you Sunday I only got you wet with water bc you did it first...... so I guess the world is coming to an end.

RachAEL said...

uhg that song...

and if u call that nice, u dont kno what nice is! haha jk nah, im workin on being nice...its just rreeeaaallllyyy hard! haha jk

Black Raspberry said...

For what it is worth, I think you are all nice people.

Saul said...

Nice, Neice, Noose, Moose, Moon, Moan, Mean, Lean, Keen, Teen, Torn, Toon.

Black Raspberry said...

Excellent, Saul. What a well thought out response.

RachAEL said...

that was....interesting saul...O_o

Kayzar said...


RachAEL said...

hmmm brady just HAPPENS to say the answer...or whatever was something related to what saul said....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Black Raspberry said...

Yes, that is odd. Why did you say "Moosen", Brady?

Kayzar said...

The answer, what are you talking about?
It's a Brian Regan joke.

Black Raspberry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Black Raspberry said...

Why is it that you and Saul are the only two who know the joke?

Saul said...

I have no idea what Kaysar is talking about, what is a moosen?

RachAEL said...

mmhmm ...A LIKELY STORY!

Lady Mew said...

hehe Rachael! we kno who Saul iz!!! yep yep yep!

seriously Brady? seriously? responding to a joke that only yu and Saul kno? reely??? could yu be anymor obvious?

Kayzar said...

Uuuuh. You guys are reading into things. He doesn't know what I'm talking about. Seriously it's a Brian Regan joke. look it up. He's talking about plurling words in elementery school and how he messed up plurling moose.

Lady Mew said...

hehe! plurling? iz that even a werd??? 888D

<3 for everywun!!!!!!! "^.^"

Kayzar said...

I wuz typing fast cause I wuz angry!

Lady Mew said...

aaaaand...yur still! yur anger amuses me!!! 888)

hehe! yu spelled RAWLZ wrong to!!! wow!
rawlz is spelled with an "a" not an "o" because itz a combo of rotfl and lawlz! @%DDD hehe at least yu tried...

<3 for everywun!!!!!!! "^.^"

Kayzar said...

no this is the combination of ROFL and AWLS

Lady Mew said...

hehe...okey then wut does AWLS mean??? 888)

OMG! i forgot to say yur kute wen yur angry!!! "^-^"

BRADY!!!!!!! "^.^" <3